Ah, the August long weekend. The midpoint of our Canadian summer.
Let me set the scene:
Friends and family driving up to the cottage, lugging coolers in the backs of their vehicles, cars overflowing with board games and tubs of sunscreen, enough to protect a small army. Trying to beat the Friday rush....With a quick stop at Webers for a burger and milkshake along the way, of course!
Days consist of boating around sparkling lakes and rivers, where almost everyone jumps in off the boat at least once. There’s no greater joy than being on water, driving fast with the wind in your hair, or slowly drifting on a floatie, listening to the quiet lapping of waves at your side. Swimming races, and regattas.....Cannonball dives, and games of Marco Polo....What a life lived while spending time "Up North"! How about a game of beach volleyball or maybe just a rest under a big old shade tree with that book you've been wanting to read? Or maybe an afternoon nap....You deserve it!

And, as the sun sets and the sky turns pink and orange, the magic really gets going. Campfires blaze and crackle, and faces grin under the glow. Stories from ‘back in the day’ are swapped as roasted marshmallows and s’mores melt, and messy hands and faces are created. It is the conversations and shared moments of warmth and laughter – under the stars and the loon calls, with wine in a thermos and spotty Wi-Fi – that will stick with us for years to come.
[Pure Muskoka Banner]
Memories of long weekends past, mixed with new memories in the making. That's what long weekends in Muskoka are all about. There's a timeless quality to these moments – a throwback to the way summers were a long time ago.

Splashes are sharper, laughs louder and sunsets bolder in Muskoka. Summer weekends here exude the care-free feeling of the extra days life offers. Long weekend in Muskoka? Let’s make it fun, funny and full of moments we won't soon forget!
Have fun, friends!