If you've ever spent time in Muskoka during the spring, you know that there's a certain chorus that fills the air, signalling the arrival of a new season. It's the sweet sounds of the Spring Peepers, those tiny tree frogs whose loud trills echo through the Muskoka marshes and wetlands. Their calls mark the end of winter's silence and create the perfect soundtrack for the season, embodying that "Muskoka feeling".
Experience the Peepers:
For those of you who can't witness them in person, we've captured their enchanting sounds in a video. Close your eyes, and let the peepers' symphony immerse you in springtime Muskoka. Winter in Muskoka is serene - The landscape draped in a blanket of snow and nature in a quiet slumber. But as the days grow longer and temperatures begin to rise, Nature comes back to life with the unmistakable chorus of the spring peepers. It is a joyful proclamation that spring has finally arrived and life is returning to the land!

For those of us who call this place home, the return of the peepers is more than just a natural phenomenon —it's a nostalgic reminder of warmer days ahead and cherished memories of seasons past. It's a sound that connects us to the rhythms of nature and reminds us of the simple joys of being outdoors.

With peepers' song in the air, spring in Muskoka unfolds as a time for renewal, relaxation, and reconnection. As you enjoy this seasonal soundtrack, remember the beauty, tranquility, and sense of belonging that makes Muskoka special. "It's A Feeling".