Victoria Day weekend, or “May 2-4” as most of us refer to it, is a special weekend that holds many dear memories for Muskoka inhabitants, locals and cottagers alike.
For some, it’s cottage opening time and a busy weekend of cleaning and restocking for summer. For others, it’s time to welcome back a busier pace of life as cottage folk return and bring new energy to our small “up North” towns. Regardless of whether you call Muskoka your “home” or your “home away from home”, it’s always wonderful to reunite with summer friends and catch up on all the latest happenings.

Generally, May 2-4 is the weekend to clean up the Muskoka room, dust off the patio furniture and get the boat back out on the water again! YES!!! For some adventurous souls, this weekend will mark the first swim or ski of the year, regardless of the temperature! A Muskoka tradition!
After spending all winter making lists and planning projects, dreaming of and yearning for warmer days, now is the time to start putting it all into practice. Summer days are nearly within our grasp and it’s time sow our seeds and plant new gardens.
There is much to do, but don’t forget, this weekend is all about balance. We hope you’ll create space for some down time. Sit on the dock, go for a paddle, have a campfire or go or a hike…..but don’t forget your bug repellent. You’ll need it.
Welcome to the long weekend, friends. Enjoy!